
2023 December


December 11, 2023, 4 pm

Grafik Treppenhauskonzert

2023 November

Dolcissimo sospiro

Concert by the classes of Bettina Pahn (Historical Voice) and Joachim Held (Lute)

Dolcissimo sospiro

15 students, singers, lutenists and students from the viol, harp, recorder and zinc classes have been working on the big topic of Diminutions and Seconda Prattica with us in rehearsals and joint lessons since the beginning of the semester and on Monday, November 20st 2023, Concert hall of the HfK performed.

Rhetoric and emotions were the big themes. In preparation there were class hours and a lecture on the subject of diminutions and singing technique.

2022 May

HfK-student Xenia Gogu wins Göttingen Handel Competition 

Xenia Gogu from Moldova has won the 1st prize at the Göttinger Händelfestspiele (Göttingen Handel Competition) and the audience prize in a sonorous duet with her partner, the Spanish cellist Victor García.

The two artists call themselves “Duo Auxesis”. Xenia Gogu studies baroque violin and baroque viola at the HfK with Veronika Skuplik.

The duo played two pieces by Georg Friedrich Händel and “Sliyanie”, a composition by Xenia Gogu’s father, among others, in Göttingen. The repertoire includes Baroque pieces as well as rarely performed works from the early 19th century. “With our choice of music for the finale, we wanted to travel from the old to the modern and back to the old again,” Victor García is quoted as saying in the HNA.

With the Göttingen Händel Competition, the niedersächsische Festival-Institution für Alte Musik in Lower Saxony has been focusing since 2017 on promoting young artists who deal with Baroque music and develop their own ideas in the process. The 101st edition of the Händelfestspiele
in May 2022 had the motto New Horizons. These are now also opening up for the prize-winning duo “Auxesis”. They were delighted about a concert in Göttingen’s Albani Church. Another concert will take place in August as part of the “Felix!” original sound festival in Cologne.

2022 May

Baroque Orchestra

G.A.Ristori & G.P.Pasquini: I lamenti d’Orfeo (Dresden, 1749)

Guest Director: Peter van Heyghen

2022 April

International Symposium: John Dowland’s Activities on the Continent


2022 April

Projektwoche: Rhetoric and “Klangrede” in Early Music

The revival of rhetoric art at the beginning of the Renaissance and its implementation in musical practice shaped the development of our field between 1350 and 1950. From January 11-14, 2022, Lectures, workshops, and concerts will focus intensively on the connection of language, poetry, and music. New findings in theory and research will be discussed in presentations. The implementation in practice of these findings will occur during several workshops with the students and in a final concert by the participants. The team of lecturers consists of leading specialists from the University of the Arts Bremen as well as guests lecturers.

2022 March

Historic Brass Studio

2022 March

Awards and Scholarships

Two student Ensembles have been awarded with the renowened Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now stipendium:

Luise Catenhusen | Recorder
Lola Atkinson | Baroque harp

Luise Catenhusen | Recorder
Jeroen Finke | Percussion & Voice

The ensemble Zefirelli, consisting mostly of students of the University of the Arts Bremen, was awarded with the European funding EEEMERGING+.

2022 February 7-11

Baroque Orchestra and Baroque Dance

2021 December 16, 19:00

Candlelight concert in the Bremen Cathedral

Cantatas for Advent and Christmas by Johann Schelle (1648-1701)

Machet die Tore weit
Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland
Da die Zeit erfüllet ward
Ach mein herzliebstes Jesulein
Uns ist ein Kind geboren
Bremer Barock Consort
Direction: Detlef Bratschke


Symposium „Diminutions“

Guest lecturers: Robert Toft, Andreas Böhlen, Domen Marincic, Bernhard Reichel

Streaming-concert Winterakademie

2021 February 27

An Early Musician’s guide to home office and quarantine

Marina Takeuchi

DAAD-scholarship holder 2020

Performing Melancholia

Fotos: Ana Laura Rodríguez Heinlein, Lukas Klose, Dorothea Mink, Raphael Sbrzesny
Video & Editing: Clovis Michon

Project „Studenten-Music“ Radio Bremen

Baroque Violin Class Veronika Skuplik
Artistic Direction: Veronika Skuplik



Teaching & Studying the Lute

International Conference Bremen 2019

A personal note from the President of the German Lute Society

A conference such as this does not function without teamwork and a viable infrastructure, and Joachim Held and the University of the Arts Bremen provided this brilliantly! The school not only contributed financial support for the conference and this publication, but also provided an excellent venue and technical support for the talks and social gatherings. Joachim was an ideal co-director, full of creative ideas, warmth and enthusiasm, who made sure that the conference proceeded smoothly and without mishaps. Heartfelt thanks go to him and the school. We are additionally grateful for our partnership with the Lute Society of America (LSA) on this publication, the first tangible product of close collaboration between our two lute societies. Special thanks go to Cathy Liddell, President of the LSA, who travelled from the USA for the conference and has been an enthu- siastic supporter of this cooperative project, as well as to Sigrid Wirth (DLG) and John Griffiths (LSA) who have worked tirelessly to help turn the talks into a book for the ages!
As a closing thought: at the round-table discussion I shared my regret that there was only one woman among the eleven speakers in Bremen. Although this was influenced by generational and availability issues, I took and take full responsibility for this, and have dedicated myself, in various ways, to striving for a more gender-balanced future.

Peter Croton

See Publication



Recorder Symposium Bremen